Creating games in Roblox Studio

Roblox is a popular multiplayer online game aimed at children aged 6 to 18, which has recently provided the opportunity to develop games on its own platform! Roblox Studio is a computer game development environment in the world of Roblox. This engine will help your child understand how to create their own game world, share it with friends and a huge gaming community.

Nowadays, professional game and application developers are a very popular and promising specialty. If your child is interested in computer games or information technology, but they do not yet have experience in programming, in our course they will be able to begin to develop in this direction.

Benefits of creating games on Roblox Studio.

A few years ago, the development of computer games was exclusively a professional field of activity of a small group of companies, but with the advent of large game engines, everything has changed dramatically! In our programming courses, children will be able to understand the basics of computer game development and create their first games in a month with the world of Roblox.

What are the advantages of this platform?

1. Roblox is a very popular application, almost all children either play it or have heard of it.
2. Roblox is a very colorful environment in which many things are simplified and adapted so that even small children can create their own games in it.
3. Roblox Studio allows you to create some types of games without even using a programming language, which allows you to quickly interest children and introduce them to most of the necessary tools.
4. The Lua language module used to program these games is functional, structured, and generally easy to understand.
5. Roblox Studio has the ability to co-develop games – children can create their own games and publish them in Roblox in just two clicks. The platform also provides an opportunity to refine their projects.
6. The course “Creating games in Roblox Studio” at CODDY is well mastered by children from the earliest school age.

Information technology is evolving very fast, so programming is one of the most popular specialties. Learning the mechanics of computer games, experience working on projects, the basics of the Lua language – all this will be a valuable experience for anyone who plans not only to use ready-made computer products, but also want to understand how they work. or create your own software.

Also in our course we will focus on general concepts and principles used in all programming languages ​​and lay the foundation for further development in this area.

In the course “Creating games at Roblox Studio” your child:

1. learn how to be a great architect;
2. learn the principles of the game engine, learn its strengths and weaknesses;
3. will get basic skills of game programming on Lua;
4. master the “ethics of the programmer” and get an idea of ​​how to structure the code;
5. get basic knowledge of algorithms and optimization of projects and scripts;
6. learn the basics of game physics engine;
7. learn how to use roblox music codes from RobloxSong;
8. learn to model objects, create characters and animation, work with textures and lighting, design landscapes, grass and trees, use sound, create special effects and develop other elements of the game;
9. embody your imagination in your own full-fledged game world.

Enroll your child in a game creation course at Roblox Studio. Let this time pass with benefit! By studying such a promising, nowadays, areas as game development, the little programmer will no longer waste time playing computer games, he will learn to develop, program and create their own game universes!